Friday, August 15, 2008

day 11 - aug 15th

today corinna & daniel both went off to their day jobs saving lives, and i slept in and then had a minor meltdown that i was by myself, in a country where i didn't speak the language, less than halfway through my trip and very ready to be home. corinna had bought be a book the night before on berlin, so i read it and plotted out my attack on the city, did laundry, sorted email, and took it easy thinking it might be the only day i had to relax the whole trip. i was right, actually. plus it was raining. corinna came home early, before i even made it out of the house, and she took me on a nice driving tour of the parts of the city we hadn't seen the night before, and then we and her cousin went to her favorite restaurant, a pub-style place which had a huge menu. i tried a drink i could never get in the U.S. - a "bananenweizen" which is wheat beer with banana juice. they thought i was crazy, but it wasn't too bad! forgot that last night with the schnitzel i had a local favorite, a wheat beer with red flavoring (strawberry maybe?). they also make green. it was yummy. no pics from today.

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